Friday, April 11, 2014

Perspective Project Ideas

For this next assignment, we are working in groups to create a mural on a wall in our school that portrays or incorporates perspective. My group consists of some other students in my class; Jessica, Rachel, Nora, Chassity, and myself. We brainstormed a lot of ideas and decided we wanted to create a mural that looked as if we punched through the brick wall. We also decided that we wanted to incorporate perspective more than in the physical way. We came to the conclusion to collaborate by each choosing a place that inspires us (our perspective on what our inspiration is) and join them into one. Each portion of the mural will also use perspective to get the idea across. 

Here are our beginning thoughts: 

We got all our thoughts on paper and then did a larger sketch in which we chose a basic color scheme. The main part that I will be working on is a mural of a scene in Alaska in which I saw a couple of summers ago and continue to be inspired by. The picture shows my perspective artistically as well as physically. We combined our perspectives together and completed  this collaborative final sketch in water color. 

Here is our final sketch:
We are already enjoying working together and can't wait to display out creation to the school!! 

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